Buddha In Daily Life Pdf To Word

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/ ˈbu də, ˈbʊd ə /

Buddha preached the importance of meditation to all of his followers. Meditation is important to relax and unwind, but also to let thoughts run freely in and out of your mind. Meditating daily is a common practice of spiritual and wise people. 26.Buddha Believes in Conquering the Bad with Good “Conquer anger with non-anger.


Also called Butsu,Gautama, Gautama Buddha.Prince Siddhāttha or Siddhartha, 566?–c480 b.c.,Indian religious leader: founder of Buddhism.
any of a series of teachers in Buddhism, of whom Gautama was the last, who bring enlightenment and wisdom.

Buddha In Daily Life Pdf To Word Document

(sometimes lowercase)Buddhism. a person who has attained full prajna, or enlightenment; Arhat.

Origin of Buddha

1675–85;< Sanskrit: awakened (budh- awaken, notice, understand + -ta past participle suffix)
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019

Examples from the Web for buddha

  • “My children are traumatised,” Than Dar told a group of reporters in front a large reclining Buddha.

    Hope and Change? Burma Kills a Journalist Before Obama ArrivesJoshua CarrollNovember 11, 2014DAILY BEAST
  • It was the first time I witnessed his balanced mix of strength and kindness, or what could be dubbed his “Buddha nature.”

    The Buddhist Punk Reforming Drug RehabStephen KrcmarJune 16, 2014DAILY BEAST
  • But the Buddha condemned both extreme luxury and extreme poverty as obstacles to enlightenment.

    Complaining Like It’s 1999: ‘Fight Club,’ ‘American Beauty,’ and the Revolt of the Cubicle DroneArthur ChuJune 3, 2014DAILY BEAST
  • This is one of the meanings of the famous Zen koan, “If you see the Buddha on the road, kill him.”

    The Shocking Scandal at the Heart of American ZenJay MichaelsonNovember 14, 2013DAILY BEAST
  • He so much embodied the ancient teachings of the Buddha, yet insisted on a completely inclusive, secular, contemporary approach.

    How S.N. Goenka Changed My Life—And the Lives of Millions MoreSharon SalzbergOctober 2, 2013DAILY BEAST
  • It was taught by Buddha, it was taught by Socrates, and it was taught for the last time in the most powerful manner by Kant.

  • They resolved to devise some means to lower the character of Buddha in the opinion of the people.

    The Life or Legend of GaudamaRight Reverend Paul Ambroise Bigandet
  • At last she determined to repair to Buddha himself and appeal to him.

    The Influence of Buddhism on Primitive ChristianityArthur Lillie
  • Two or three services are intoned before the image of the Buddha each day.

    Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3 (of 3)Charles Eliot
  • One of the duties of a priest of Buddha is to study the medicinal properties of plants in order to benefit his fellow men.

British Dictionary definitions forbuddha (1 of 2)


Buddhism(often capital)a person who has achieved a state of perfect enlightenment

Word Origin for buddha

C17: from Sanskrit: awakened, enlightened, from budh to awake, know

British Dictionary definitions forbuddha (2 of 2)

Buddha In Daily Life Pdf To Word Free


the Buddha?563–483 bc, a title applied to Gautama Siddhartha, a nobleman and religious teacher of N India, regarded by his followers as the most recent rediscoverer of the path to enlightenment: the founder of Buddhism
Buddha In Daily Life Pdf To Word
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012